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N3 (IDS20k) Queen Mary's Hospital Site


ALLOCATION N3 (IDS20k) - Queen Mary’s House
Queen Mary’s House, 124 Heath Street, Hampstead, NW3 1DU
0.60 hectares 
Permanent self-contained homes
80 self-contained homes 
The site is bounded by East Heath Road to the north, Heath Street to the west, residential homes to the south and south east and Horton Road to the east. The site is within the Hampstead Conservation Area and Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan area.
Queen Mary’s House was built in the 1920s and is considered to be of historical significance.  Much of the wall on Heath Street is Grade II listed. 
It is understood that the  site was in hospital use (former C2 residential institution use class) and key worker accommodation until 2012. It was then used for a variety of administrative functions for various health services and ancillary key worker accommodation (53 single bedrooms, shared bathroom and kitchen facilities and one self-contained unit) in association with the Royal Free Hospital.
Development must:
  1. retain the original Queen Mary’s House building as it is of significant historical interest;
  2. assess the feasibility of retaining all other buildings on the site in line with Local Plan policy on the repurposing, refurbishment and re-use of existing buildings (Policy CC2);
  3. retain, or reprovide, at least an equivalent amount of affordable housing floorspace  to the existing; 
  4. preserve the landscape character of the site. Applications should be accompanied by a detailed arboriculture assessment;
  5. be designed to be of a scale that fits into the prevailing low scale character of the area; and 
  6. ensure that the listed wall is retained.

  • A Flood Risk Assessment will be required in accordance with Policy CC11 (Flood Risk), as the site is within an area identified by the Council as being at risk of flooding. Recommendations in the Flood Risk Assessment will be secured by planning condition.
  • Applicants will be expected to liaise with Thames Water early in the design process to investigate whether the existing water supply and wastewater network capacity in this area is able to support the demand anticipated from the development or whether local upgrades and/ or detailed drainage strategy may be required

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